These first five are from my first pinhole endeavors with an oatmeal canister camera. The third one down is a promo shot for Hailey and Haley's band Miss Scarlet With a Knife. Now all they need to do is write some songs. Boom! Roasted!

This one is a contact print from my 35mm Pintoid camera. For those of you crafty folks out there, here is a link on how to make one of your very own, very special Pintoid cams. Or if you're a lazy fuck I can make you one for the low low price of 2 dollars.

Next we have some sampler contact prints from a paper negative camera made out of a film canister. I made this one to do some solargraphy and I made these prints to test the pinhole out. I like how these pictures look with the negative carriers crossing each other. I recommend clicking on them and viewing them larger.

And finishing off the pinholes is a little sampler from a 120mm pinhole that I made by cutting the lens off my old diana clone.

Big Kid Cameras:
These two are from a trip to Sub Pop Rock City. I took the ferry into the city so the skyline view was fucking awesome. The second picture is from the Pike's Place Market. I can't get the picture to display correctly so your just going to have to deal with it. Rotate your head towards your left shoulder. I also went to the Experience Music Project and got to see Kurt Cobain's guitars, Krist's bass from the Bleach days and Dave's drum set from the In Utero tour. I had tears in my eyes. And to top it off I went to the building and saw the little directory sign that said Sub Pop Records-floor 3. Seattle is awesome.

My house has windows on each side that line up perfectly and apparently they must look like they are open because 3 or 4 times a week birds will smash into them and fall to the ground stunned. Unfortunately this dude was more than stunned. But I have immortalized him in a chemical reaction between silver halide salts bonded by gelatin and the D-76 photographic developer.

And finally, hands down the coolest picture I have ever taken! I have been sleeping outside because it has been so nice and clear the past two weeks. This was a 7 hour exposure at f/2.8.