Today is devoted entirely to scanning pictures, old and new and instead of intelligently waiting until I have scanned them all I will just do a series of posts as I finish a bunch. This is a combo round of pictures from my dark room class and pictures from my pinhole cameras. Lah dee dah.
These first five are from my first pinhole endeavors with an oatmeal canister camera. The third one down is a promo shot for Hailey and Haley's band Miss Scarlet With a Knife. Now all they need to do is write some songs. Boom! Roasted!
This one is a contact print from my 35mm Pintoid camera. For those of you crafty folks out there, here is a link on how to make one of your very own, very special Pintoid cams. Or if you're a lazy fuck I can make you one for the low low price of 2 dollars.
Next we have some sampler contact prints from a paper negative camera made out of a film canister. I made this one to do some solargraphy and I made these prints to test the pinhole out. I like how these pictures look with the negative carriers crossing each other. I recommend clicking on them and viewing them larger.
And finishing off the pinholes is a little sampler from a 120mm pinhole that I made by cutting the lens off my old diana clone.
Big Kid Cameras:
These two are from a trip to Sub Pop Rock City. I took the ferry into the city so the skyline view was fucking awesome. The second picture is from the Pike's Place Market. I can't get the picture to display correctly so your just going to have to deal with it. Rotate your head towards your left shoulder. I also went to the Experience Music Project and got to see Kurt Cobain's guitars, Krist's bass from the Bleach days and Dave's drum set from the In Utero tour. I had tears in my eyes. And to top it off I went to the building and saw the little directory sign that said Sub Pop Records-floor 3. Seattle is awesome.
My house has windows on each side that line up perfectly and apparently they must look like they are open because 3 or 4 times a week birds will smash into them and fall to the ground stunned. Unfortunately this dude was more than stunned. But I have immortalized him in a chemical reaction between silver halide salts bonded by gelatin and the D-76 photographic developer.
And finally, hands down the coolest picture I have ever taken! I have been sleeping outside because it has been so nice and clear the past two weeks. This was a 7 hour exposure at f/2.8.
Tuesday, February 23, 2010
A contemplation of Eternity
Thus follows a series I have constructed on Luke Eternity. Notice how each photo captures the essence of the man and his many facets. Nah, just kidding. Here are some pictures of Luke Eternity taken with Hailey's fisheye lens for her Diana. These really are quintessential Luke pictures though. And in commemoration of him I present this song:
Tuesday, February 2, 2010
Opiate Sun
I'm taking a class at the photo co-op so I have unlimited free access to the darkroom for the next month so lots of prints will be popping up over the next month. Blah blah blah. Here are some new ones.
Old man wrinkled hand.
My soul rests in this trailer.
That stupid line on the right is from the shitty scanner.
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