This one was taken on three separate strips to create that black line in the middle. This was an experiment that I had been thinking of trying for a while, but I think it ended up looking pretty stupid. The picture itself is awesome though, which is why I am posting it instead of lining my trashcan with it.

I took this photo last summer when I was visiting Sarah in Brooklyn and then put it back in my folder of paper to protect it for the journey home and forgot about it. Then in November I mistook it for a blank piece and tried to use it for a test strip for this picture and got this little combo baby. The picture by itself is pretty cool and I think it ended up being a nice combo as well. I am so fucking artistic my mistakes are masterpieces!

Another experiment that did not work how I wanted it to. I love when people edit text onto their photos and I figured it would be cool to do this with my pinholes so I put a piece of paper that I wrote on over the picture when I was making my contact print of this. Unfortunately, the pen wasn't dark enough so it just ended up looking like a blob. Still, I like it.

This is a very disappointing post. I am sorry.