My friend Nick made this out of one of my photos and I think it merits a posting. I am lucky to have such great people in my life. Listen to Niki Berger! She played at Meat Towne a few months ago and she is fucking amazing! Man it has been a while. Unfortunately I don't even have much to show for. I have been working too much blah blah blah life happens. On the bright side, I NOW HAVE A DARKROOM IN MY BASEMENT!!! My neighborhood gave me all of the equipment and I just built myself a little space down there. If anyone wants to learn how to print photos come over! I have a couple of prints from there but I am still working out the kinks so I wouldn't really consider them finished prints. A couple of them didn't get washed properly so the fixer burned some yellow spots onto them so that is why they look a bit spotty. It looks kinda cool in person though. I also have some pictures taken on a disposable camera from Maine and a few lackluster color pictures from summer happenings. All of the black and whites were taken on my train ride from Oregon to NJ. Without further ado:
Black & Whites
Those first three were taken during a 30 minute smoke break in Shelby, Montana. As I was taking a picture of the dead goose a man sporting a Fu Manchu mustache and a cowboy hat walked over and said "Thas 'bout all there is to see in Shelby." I think he was right.
This one was taken from the door of the train as I was passing through North Dakota. I made the frame by cutting a square out of a piece of floral fabric and laying it over the paper as I exposed the print.
Those two were taken at the City Museum in St. Louis. I could not discribe this place in a way that could do it a shred of justice so I wont even try. Just know this: It is a massive playground for people of all ages and it is built out of reclaimed construction materials and junk from the city. Check out their website and if you are ever in STL you will be doing yourself a massive injustice if you don't visit. I will be posting more pictures from my visit to the museum as I print them.
Color Photos Blue berries picked from a wild bush on top of Mt. Tammany in the Delaware Water Gap! Who says NJ doesn't have natural beauty?