My mom and I are doing an art show together sometime next year and I am going to mat these pictures together as a sequence or a triptych type thing but with more than three photos. These may be the best photos I have ever taken. I wish you all could have been there with me. Eluvium-New Animals From The Air
More more more more more! I am so fucking excited about these pictures! Boris-Farewell
En Route
St. Louis I am not really into pictures of people smoking because they seem pretty self-indulgent and silly but I love this one because he looks so natural and comfy.
WOW!!! I just got 5 rolls worth of prints from Pro Photo in Portland and I have finally decided: they do the best fucking job printing color!!!! Check out their site, they are a lot cheaper then any place on the east coast even including the cost of shipping and the color is so intense and gorgeous. I only felt like scanning one round of prints today so please check back for more in the next few days. These pictures are from when Marissa came to visit me in Portland in spring. My favorites are the ones at night of the trees. THE COLORS!! I am really happy with these pictures so I hope you enjoy them. Elysian Fields-Bum Raps & Love Taps
It's too bad my camera didn't advance properly because these are really cool pictures individually but I guess this is kinda cool.