Sunday, March 28, 2010

And if he stands on the moon he can barely catch her eyes...

This Saturday will be my last day in Portland. I will be boarding the train and heading back to New Jersey, via visits to Mr. Weiss in Chicago and Mr. Holt in St. Louis. Up until last month I was really ready to go, tired of living in the woods all alone, tired of having no money, friends, ect. ect. ect. But, as it is bound to happen, this last month has been the best month here, and one of the best in memory. So part of me is sad, leaving behind all of the amazing things that I have learned to love in Portland, but more then that I am happy to have found great things to look back at as my train pulls away from the station. On that note I would like to dedicate this post to Fiona, who is largely responsible for my full belly and my uplifted soul this past month.
Alright enough of the emotional mumbo-jumbo. These photos are from my last trip to New Space. I am incredibly pleased with these. I was feeling pretty burned on photos and on my Nikon especially, but these turned me around. The first two are pictures of CALVIN MOTHERFUCKING JOHNSON!!!!!! He played at Laughing Horse Books about a month ago and it was a site!! He probably spent more time telling stories and dancing then playing songs, but they were excellent stories, and boy can he wiggle. The last picture is a sepia toned print of Mt. Hood that I took through one of those machines where you feed it a quarter and it acts like a little telescope or something. I think it looks pretty groovy! Sorry for so many words and not so many pictures, but alas, life is tough.

If you would be so kind, click on this one and view it large so that you can appreciate the sign in the middle.

To those of you fuckers reading this in New Jersey, I will see you soon.


  1. this is the first of your photography i've seen. I like the second one and the last one a lot. safe travels my friend. give my regards to mr. holt and mr. weiss.

  2. YEH MUTHAFUCKASIT'SALLAOBUTME! myspacebar doesn'twork toowell.becauseipopped ituptoclean it andprobablykindofbroke it. i'mnottrying to make a statementoranything. ijust don'tfeell ike makingspaceffort. youknow?!!!!!!!!!!!!!! kylethesearesuper pictures. and meand Moomoo wishyou didn'tleave.
